Good Mythical Morning

Where in the world do these international Cheetos come from? GMM # 2445

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Episode 1
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S24 • E1
International Cheetos Taste Test
Where in the world do these international Cheetos come from? GMM # 2445
S24 • E2
How Does This Product Work? (Game)
Today, we're trying to figure out how these mystery products work! GMM # 2446
S24 • E3
Is There Anything Better Than Icing On Cake?
Today, we're testing the NEXT BEST THING to put on cake! GMM # 2447
S24 • E4
We Already Regret This Embarrassing Photoshoot ft. Smosh
Today, we're joined by Ian and Anthony of Smosh to try recreating the craziest internet photos! GMM # 2448
S24 • E5
Five Guys vs. Shake Shack | FOOD FEUDS
Today, we're joined by Charles Neal to pin two burger joints against each other: Five Guys vs Shake Shack! FOOD FEUDS!! GMM # 2449
S24 • E6
Frozen vs. Fast vs. Fancy Food Taste Test
Today, we're getting to know Trevor a bit better by trying his favorite foods! GMM # 2450
S24 • E7
Can You Unlock This Crazy Tongue Ability?
Today, we're testing if our tongues can smell too! GMM # 2451
S24 • E8
Which State Is This Fast Food From?
Today, we're learning about the birthplace of your favorite fast food joints! GMM # 2452
S24 • E9
Will The Glass Bottle Break? (TikTok Game)
In today's game, we're trying to guess if the bottle in the video is gonna break or not! GMM # 2453
S24 • E10
What Are The WORST Fries?
Today, we're figuring out the best food styles! GMM # 2454
S24 • E11
Blind Fast Food Bacon Taste Test
In today's blind taste test, we're figuring out who makes the best bacon! GMM # 2455
S24 • E12
The Most Cringe Thing We've Ever Done
Today, we're looking at some footage of Rhett auditioning for The Real World! GMM # 2456
S24 • E13
Hawaiian Mexican vs. Mexican Hawaiian Food Taste Test
Today, we're turning the tables on Hawaiian and Mexican food! GMM # 2457
S24 • E14
International Taste Test In The Dark
Today, we're doing an episode... in the dark. GMM # 2458
S24 • E15
Do These Snacks Actually Taste Like Pizza?
Today, we're tasting pizza flavored snacks and seeing which is most authentic to the 'ZA! GMM # 2459
S24 • E16
We Tried EVERY Canned Biscuit
Today, we're eating way too many canned biscuits! GMM # 2460
S24 • E17
Are We Dumber Than Gen-Z?
Today, we're seeing how our pop culture knowledge matches up to our Gen-Z crew members! GMM # 2461
S24 • E18
What's The Weirdest Kombucha Flavor? Taste Test
Today, we're taste testing some different Kombuchas! GMM # 2462
S24 • E19
Did We Get Scammed On TikTok?
Today, we're exposing some SCAMS ON TIKTOK! GMM # 2463
S24 • E20
What's The Best M&M Flavor? Taste Test
Today, we're putting our tongues to the test and determining the BEST M&M flavor! GMM # 2464
S24 • E21
International Seafood Taste Test
Where in the world do these international seafood dishes come from? GMM # 2465
S24 • E22
Are These Products Worth It? (Test)
Today, we're seeing if these new gadgets and gizmos are worth buying! GMM # 2466
S24 • E23
Which Restaurant Has The Best Free Birthday Food?
For Rhett's birthday, we're discovering which restaurant gives out the best free birthday food! GMM # 2467
S24 • E24
Reacting To The WORST Neighbors
Today, we're exploring crazy posts from the Nextdoor app in this fill-in-the-blank game! GMM # 2467
S24 • E25
100 Years of Iconic Foods Taste Test
Today, we're taking a deep dive into the history of canned foods! GMM # 2469
S24 • E26
Frozen vs. Fast vs. Fancy Food Taste Test
Today, we're getting to know Gwynedd a bit better by trying her favorite foods! GMM # 2470
S24 • E27
Leaving Things In A Fish Tank For A Month
What happens when you leave things in a fish tank for a month? GMM # 2471
S24 • E28
Regular vs. Low Fat Snacks Taste Test
Today, we're determining if healthier snacks are REALLY worth it! GMM # 2472
S24 • E29
Which Country Has The Most Expensive Groceries?
Today, we're comparing groceries from around the world! GMM # 2473
S24 • E30
Can Spaghetti & Meatballs Be Put Into Anything?
How far is too far for spaghetti and meatballs? GMM # 2474
S24 • E31
Ruth's Chris' vs Fleming's Steak House Taste Test | FOOD FEUDS
Today, we're pinning two iconic steak houses against each other, FLEMING'S VS RUTH'S CHRIS'!! GMM # 2475
S24 • E32
Can You Outsmart These Color Illusions?
Today, we're trying our best to figure out these color illusions! GMM # 2476
S24 • E33
Who Makes The Worst Taco?
Today, we're predicting which fast foods the Mythical Beasts chose as their favorites! GMM # 2477
S24 • E34
Guess How Much This Weighs (Challenge)
Today, we're joined by Carrot Top to try to tell the difference between heavy and fake weights! GMM # 2478
S24 • E35
Can We Combine German And Chinese Food? (Taste Test)
Today, we're turning the tables on German and Chinese food! GMM # 2479
S24 • E36
We Tried EVERY Reese's Candy Flavor
Today, we're eating way too many Reese's candy! GMM # 2480
S24 • E37
Exposing The Truth About These Creepy Toys
Today, we're looking at some of the weirdest, most cursed items you can get on Etsy! GMM # 2481
S24 • E38
Are All Taco Bell Items Secretly The Same? (Experiment)
Today, we're figuring out if Taco Bell's menu items actually taste the same! GMM # 2482
S24 • E39
Are These Free Food Hacks Worth It?
Today, we're seeing what these free foods really cost! GMM # 2483
S24 • E40
Ranking The Best Trader Joe's Snacks
Today, we're tasting all the Trader Joe's snacks so you don't have to. GMM # 2484
S24 • E41
Will It Cereal? Taste Test
Today, we're releasing our very own Mythical brand of cereal and asking the age-old question once again, will it cereal? GMM # 2485
S24 • E42
How Does This Product Work? (Game)
Today, we're seeing if we can figure out how these weird products work without instructions! GMM # 2486
S24 • E43
Inside Out Foods Taste Test
Today, we're tasting foods turned inside out! GMM # 2487
S24 • E44
Can We Complete The World's Largest Puzzle?
Today, we're seeing who can guess what puzzle image is FIRST! GMM # 2488
S24 • E45
Craziest Stadium Foods In America (Taste Test)
Today, we're jumping back into the wild world of stadium foods! GMM # 2489
S24 • E46
International Lay's Taste Test
Where in the world do these international Lay's chips come from? GMM # 2490
S24 • E47
Does This Hack Really Make You More Confident? (Test)
Today, we're joined by Trevor Wallace to see if being in character can really make you more confident! GMM # 2491
S24 • E48
Which Cereal Tastes Most Like The Real Snack?
Today, we're seeing how true to taste these snack flavored cereals really are! GMM # 2492
S24 • E49
We Found Extremely Rare Toys In These Blind Boxes
Today, we're exploring the phenomenon of Blind Boxes! GMM # 2493
S24 • E50
Can We Guess The Steak Cut? (Blind Taste Test)
Today, we're determining once and for all what the best cut of steak is! GMM # 2494
S24 • E51
Frozen vs. Fast vs. Fancy Food Taste Test
Today, we're getting to know Chase a bit better by trying his favorite foods! GMM # 2495
S24 • E52
We Try Science Experiments Without Instructions
Today, we're making science happen.. without instructions! GMM # 2496
S24 • E53
Can We Combine French & Jamaican Food? (Taste Test)
Today, we're turning the tables on French and Jamaican food! GMM # 2497
S24 • E54
We Give Up
We've given up. GMM # 2498
S24 • E55
Cheap vs. Expensive Grocery Store (Taste Test)
Today, we're putting cheap vs expensive ingredients HEAD TO HEAD! GMM # 2499
S24 • E56
Our 2500th Episode!
Welcome to our 2500TH EPISODE!!! GMM # 2500
S24 • E57
Does Olive Garden Have The Worst Drive Thru?
Today, we're seeing what Olive Garden would be live if it was a drive-thru! GMM # 2501
S24 • E58
70 Year Old Canned Food Taste Test
Today, we're eating food that is way too old. GMM # 2502
S24 • E59
Reacting To Crazy TikTok Illusions
Today, we're looking at some TikTok illusions! GMM # 2503
S24 • E60
We Tried EVERY Kool-Aid Flavor
Today, we're drinking every flavor of Kool-Aid! GMM # 2505
S24 • E61
Will It Waffle? Taste Test
Today, we ask the age old question... will it waffle? GMM # 2505
S24 • E62
Cooking Breakfast With Sports Equipment
Today, we're seeing if we can cook using only sports equipment! GMM # 2506
S24 • E63
Is Lavender Actually A Bad Flavor?
Today, we're testing to see how good Lavender REALLY is. GMM # 2507
S24 • E64
Can This Hold Our Body Weight?
Today, we're seeing how many small objects it takes to hold our body weight! GMM # 2508
S24 • E65
Domino's vs. Papa John's Taste Test | FOOD FEUDS
Today, we're pinning two pizza powerhouses against each other, Domino's vs. Papa John's! GMM # 2509
S24 • E66
International Dunkin' Donuts Taste Test
Where in the world did these international Dunkin' Donuts items come from? GMM # 2510
S24 • E67
Can We Remember Anything From 2023?
Today, we're looking back on GMM episodes from 2023 and seeing how much of them we can remember! GMM # 2511
S24 • E68
Exposing TikTok Food Hacks
Today, we're trying the craziest food storage hacks! GMM # 2512
S24 • E69
What's The CORRECT Serving Size?
Today, we're exploring whether or not serving sizes are actually WRONG! GMM # 2513
S24 • E70
Frozen vs. Fast vs. Fancy Food Taste Test
Today, we're testing the fanciness of YOUR tastes! GMM # 2514
S24 • E71
Our Most Memorable Food Moments of 2023
Today, we're looking back on our most memorable food moments of 2023!
S24 • E72
Our Most Chaotic Moments of 2023
Today, we're reliving our most chaotic moments of 2023!
S24 • E73
Our Most Embarrassing Moments of 2023
Today, we're reliving our most embarrassing moments of 2023!
S24 • E74
Find The Name Brand (Marathon)
Today, we're having a FIND THE NAME BRAND MARATHON!!!!!!
S24 • E75
Rhett & Link vs. Mythical Crew (Marathon)
Today, we're going through a marathon of Mythical Crew games!
S24 • E76
We Tried EVERY Flavor (Gut Check Marathon)
Today, we're doin a GUT CHECK MARATHON!!!!!!!!!!!!!