One Life to Live
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Season 1 Season 2 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7 Season 8 Season 9 Season 10 Season 11 Season 12 Season 13 Season 14 Season 15 Season 16 Season 17 Season 18 Season 19 Season 20 Season 21 Season 22 Season 23 Season 24 Season 25 Season 26 Season 27 Season 28 Season 29 Season 30 Season 31 Season 32 Season 33 Season 34 Season 35 Season 36 Season 37 Season 38 Season 39 Season 40 Season 41 Season 42 Season 43 Season 44
Episode -
Episode 98 - Ep. #11077 Episode 99 - Ep. #11078 Episode 100 - Ep. #11079 Episode 101 - Ep. #11080 Episode 102 - Ep. #11081 Episode 103 - Ep. #11082 Episode 104 - Ep. #11083 Episode 105 - Ep. #11084 Episode 106 - Ep. #11085 Episode 107 - Ep. #11086 Episode 108 - Ep. #11087 Episode 109 - Ep. #11088 Episode 110 - Ep. #11089 Episode 111 - Ep. #11090 Episode 112 - Ep. #11091 Episode 113 - Ep. #11092 Episode 114 - Ep. #11093 Episode 115 - Ep. #11094 Episode 116 - Ep. #11095 Episode 117 - Ep. #11096 Episode 118 - Ep. #11097 Episode 119 - Ep. #11098 Episode 120 - Ep. #11099 Episode 121 - Ep. #11100 Episode 122 - Ep. #11101 Episode 123 - Ep. #11102 Episode 124 - Ep. #11103 Episode 125 - Ep. #11104 Episode 126 - Ep. #11105
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S44 • E98
Ep. #11077
Danielle confronts Jack with the latest newspaper headline of Tomas being Victor's murderer. Starr walks in on Blair trying to get a hold of Tomas. Kristine apologizes to Rex for the kiss. Stacy pulls away from Cutter. Ta tells Shaun that she's pregnant. Jack tells Danielle that he's just going after Tomas just to get himself off the hook. Todd promotes Tracy at The Sun to keep her from talking to John. Rex and Kristine prepare to stakeout the plastic surgeons office. Neela asks Shane exactly how his mother died and is stunned by what she hears. Todd makes it clear to John that he didn't start fire to his own paper. Ta tells Shaun that Tomas will be cleared again and didn't shoot Victor like before when he was accused. Starr tells Blair that it was because of Tomas that she missed eight years with her father. Dr. Fascinella finds no scarring behind Stacy's ear and tells Cutter she's not Stacy but Gigi. Starr is served with papers.
S44 • E99
Ep. #11078
Todd is in panic when Calmar is found and brought in for questioning. James and Nate show they're summons to Starr and Dani. Neela tells Jack that she and Shane were talking about his mother and how she died. Shaun surprises Vivian with flowers but says he gave them Tèa. Rex fills Kristine in on how Stacy entered his life and literally played with Shane's life. Cutter realizes that Kim made a mistake and grabbed the wrong woman at the house, and Gigi is alive. "Stacy" asks Cutter what he did that made the doctor so mad. Kristine reveals to Rex that Kim Andrews is that of the real Aubrey Wentworth, sees the connection finally. Téa doesn't believe when Claude says that Tomas killed Victor. Shane tells Neela he can tell he knows something about Jack and she needs to know who he really is. Starr says there's no way she's gonna do what Rick wants and will think of a way out of it. Cutter asks "Stacy" to go away with him and she chooses Paris, Texas.
S44 • E100
Ep. #11079
Cutter and Gigi arrive at the Bon Jour Cafe, and sees it resembles the Buenos Dias. Rex and Kristine visit Kim in jail and asks her to tell them where Stacy is at. Roxy assures Neela that all the rumors about Jack are indeed true. Noelle tells Shane that he's going to name her latest pie creation after Gigi. Starr asks Jack to be honest with Neela about what happened to Gigi. Viki asks Clint the reason he kissed her just now is cause of him being able to be with Kim.Kim tells Rex if he helps her get out of jail she'll tell what really happened in the basement that day. Noelle is startled after calling the Bon Jour and the person on the other end almost sounds like Gigi. Shane tells Neela that maybe she should go out with Jack after all. Roxy is upset when Fraternity Row has been abruptly cancelled.
S44 • E101
Ep. #11080
Viki goes to Noelle and confides in her about what just happened with Clint. Cutter asks Gigi if she's getting her memory back after recalling something. Kim tells Rex she'll tell him what he wants when Kristine gets that picture. Shane tells Neela he may have an idea to get Jack to admit everything. Clint tells Nigel about him and Viki sharing a kiss. The waitress at the Bon Jour tells Gigi and Cutter they happen to be hiring. Neela calls Jack and says she'd love to go out with him. Kristine goes to Rama knowing that she set Kim for a murder that Cutter committed and wants the original picture. Rex finds out that Stacy and Gigi were both in the house and Kristine comes through. Roxy goes to Clint needing help to keep Fraternity Row from being cancelled. Viki tells Noelle she wants to come to Texas to cheer her on.
S44 • E102
Ep. #11081
Blair goes to Todd and doesn't believe that Tomas killed Victor and offers a reward on his whereabouts. Roxy tells Natalie if she's not going to tell John how she feels then she'll do it herself. Neela tells Shane that the tape recorder is in place hoping Jack spills his guts. Cutter becomes nervous after a customer recognizes her thinking they have to leave. Shane is frustrated after Rex reveals about Stacy being alive and had plastic surgery to look like his mother. Cutter tells Gigi they need a change of scenery other then Paris, Texas. Jack tells Neela that the person that tortured Shane isn't who he is anymore. Natalie catches up with Roxy at the police station and threatens she'll never see Liam again if she doesn't fix what she said. Rex thinks back on how he reunited with Gigi and invites and asks Shane if he'd like to go down to Texas. Bo divulges some advice to John to get back together with Natalie. Neela agrees to hang out with Jack again. Blair receives a message from Tomas.
S44 • E103
Ep. #11082
Agent Baker comes to Todd disguised as a maintenance man saying they need to talk. Tomas contacts Blair via the internet and shocks her by saying at gunpoint that he killed Victor. Viki tells Clint that if Kim were to walk through that door he wouldn't give her a second though. Ta tells John that Tomas didn't kill Victor and believe that Calmar is the guilty one. Gigi tells Cutter that she can't leave the Bon Jour Cafe, cause it feels like she belongs here. Agent Baker tells Todd that Tomas will die if he doesn't convince Blair. Clint's ankle monitor goes off when he and Viki get into an argument. John makes Ta promise not to tell Blair that Todd is still a suspect. Rex kisses Kristine and asks her to spend Christmas with him and Shane. Kim surprises Clint when she arrives at Llanfair. Viki and Rex arrive in Texas unknown that Gigi is inside working.
S44 • E104
Ep. #11083
Gigi sees Rex come into the diner and quickly hides in the kitchen and lets Cutter know. Natalie wants John to take Liam back to his place for the night. Ta sees Blair and Todd together but instead tells them that Tomas is the key suspect in Victor's murder. Rex can see that Viki is thinking about Charlie. Clint and Kim realize they've been both set up via forged letters courtesy of Cutter. Blair tells Ta that she just spoke to Tomas via a web chat and he confessed everything. John comes home as Roxy is having a soiree to save her show in his hotel room. Kim reveals her real identity to a startled Clint and that Stacy being alive and has Gigi's face. Cutter gets Gigi out without being seen by Rex. Viki decides to waits tables for old times sake, and is shocked when Charlie comes in as a customer. Todd gets nervous when a cop takes Blair's laptop as evidence.
S44 • E105
Ep. #11084
David surprises his peers by visiting. Shane realizes that Aubrey and Rex are getting closer. The subject of Destiny's baby causes more drama.
S44 • E106
Ep. #11085
Danielle tells Blair and Ta that her uncle confessing was the talk of the entire school. Starr asks Todd why he looks miserable after being cleared. John tells Natalie that she's gonna need her team to look over Blair's computer. Shaun tells Destiny why isn't she with Matthew when he's being brought home today. David surprises Matthew, Bo and Nora when he has the apartment decorated for a welcome home party. Natalie and John can't keep their professional life away from their personal one. Todd tells Starr that he has a way of dealing with Rick himself and the less she knows the better. Nora tells Bo she can tell that Matthew is furious with her for persuading Destiny to keep the baby. John asks Natalie she should've stayed when he asked.Ta sees that John didn't tell Natalie that Todd is Victor's real killer. Destiny asks Matthew if he's going to be a part of their baby's life. Roxy and Shaun see that David Vickers is the person they're looking for to help them save Fraternity Row.
S44 • E107
Ep. #11086
Jack storms into Todd's office and asked how he framed Tomas for Victor's murder. Destiny wants an answer from Matthew regarding their child. Tea asks John if he was able to trace the video call from Tomas, but the I.P. address is impossible to trace thanks to Todd. Roxy is convinced David can save Fraternity Row, but he rejects the offer. Starr realize that Todd didn't waste any time in calling Blair. Shaun and Roxy ask David the real reason he won't help them. Todd tells Jack he knows he's the one that started the fire. Tea and John stage a confrontation saying Tomas was found dead, Calmar says they were supposed to keep him alive. Matthew tells Destiny the truth about how he wants to meet other girls and leads to argument that Nora, Bo, Richard and Phylicia walk in on. John tells Tea that although Calmar confessed they have nothing on Todd, causing her to have some sharp pains and concerned for her baby.
S44 • E108
Ep. #11087
Nora and Bo confront Matthew after his argument with Destiny regarding their unborn child. Jessica and Natalie trim the Christmas tree together. John comes to Téa side when she has a baby crisis.
S44 • E109
Ep. #11088
After passing out, Roxy wakes up as Lorraine from "Fraternity Row," and learns of a whole new world, being married to David, and having Viki and Clint working as her maid and butler.
S44 • E110
Ep. #11089
Shane tells Neela to do what it takes to Jack to confess to killing his mother. Natalie tells Clint she and Jessica were descent to one another while decorating the tree. Ta asks John how the investigation going so Todd can go down for Victor's murder. Viki tells Moe and Noelle that she's glad to be at the Pie bake off to honor Gigi. Gigi tells Cutter that she needs to go to the Bon Jour Caf one more time. Jack tells Neela that Todd knows he started the fire and is practically blackmailing him. Viki points out to Rex that Prof. Fina resembles Delphina. Todd goes to check on Ta and if there's anything he can do. Kim wants an answer from Clint to choose either her or Viki. Cutter finds Gigi missing from the airport. Jack makes Neela promise she won't tell anyone what he's about to tell her. Rex goes back to the diner and comes face with Gigi.
S44 • E111
Ep. #11090
Rex tells "Stacy" unaware she's Gigi what he really thinks of her. Viki tells David after seeing Clint with Kim to get her out of there right away. Neela gets Jack to admit to being responsible for Gigi's death not knowing she's recording it. Cutter comes across Prof. Fina and says that she seen the person he was looking for. Shane comes home to find the place decorated by Kristine and tells her he doesn't when Rex will be coming back. Rex tells "Stacy" that he can tell she's not like herself. Neela comforts Jack as he breaks down. Shane tells Kristine he's getting someone from school to help him with a project. David offers Viki a chance to forget all about Clint. Prof. Fina urges Cutter to let this woman go and be free. Gigi learns that Stacy never set foot in Paris, Texas and tells Rex of her memory flashes. Clint tells Kim that the person he wants to spend his life with is Viki. Jack tells Neela he's grateful he was able to open up to her. Cutter intervenes and tells Gigi and Rex there's something that they need to hear.
S44 • E112
Ep. #11091
Cutter makes a confession; Jack invites Todd to Christmas Eve with his family.
S44 • E113
Ep. #11092
The truth about Stacy comes out; Natalie and John get ready to talk about their relationship.
S44 • E114
Ep. #11093
Shane comes face to face with his mother.
S44 • E115
Ep. #11094
Gigi and Shane come face to face with Jack.
S44 • E116
Ep. #11095
A beloved couple decides to get married.
S44 • E117
Ep. #11096
The lights go out in Llanview and things will never be the same.
S44 • E118
Ep. #11097
A prison break means the return of some of the most fearsome villains.
S44 • E119
Ep. #11098
Lindsay returns. Mitch is keeping Natalie prisoner.
S44 • E120
Ep. #11099
Allison Perkins returns.
S44 • E121
Ep. #11100
Many citizens of Llanview are shot. Who will survive?
S44 • E122
Ep. #11101
Familiar faces from the past return - and someone dies.
S44 • E123
Ep. #11102
Starr has big news. John and Natalie move forward.
S44 • E124
Ep. #11103
Rex and Gigi get life altering news. James and Starr break up.
S44 • E125
Ep. #11104
Destiny's water breaks. Viki and Clint prepare for the truth.
S44 • E126
Ep. #11105
The very last episode of One Life to Live.