The First Years

There has been a lot of poker playing at school lately. Secretly and in empty classrooms, because the school board doesn't allow it. And the amounts involved are getting bigger and bigger. Winning and losing is becoming more common. And that causes big problems at school. Tom owes Job a lot of money and Job wants his money.

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S1 • E1
Taunting the Teacher
Teacher Span is having a hard time at school. Almost every drawing lesson ends in chaos. And Nikky is usually responsible for that. Together with her friend, Jara, she really does everything she can to bully Span away. The bullying gets worse and worse. Until Nikky goes too far and Jara regrets it.
S1 • E2
Eva has seen Fien's mother (vice principal De Wilde) in town, with another woman. She has even seen them kiss each other. Now Eva thinks that Fien's mother is a lesbian. Eva doesn't say anything to Fien, but she does to her friend and in no time the whole school thinks that De Wilde is a lesbian. That was never Eva's intention.
S1 • E3
Performance Anxiety
Sascha has to give a presentation, but she is really dreading it. Not only because she is shy and stutters a bit, but also because she is afraid of making a fool of herself. Because Roy, the boy she secretly has a crush on, is also in the class. When Sascha stands in front of the class with a red face, Anouk stands up for her, but her help is not appreciated.
S1 • E4
Sam and Timo have to report to school at half past seven. They are being punished and have to mop the floor by caretaker Gerrit Veldt. Timo is very upset and gets into a fight with the caretaker. A fight that according to Timo gets so out of hand that Veldt hits Timo. Veldt, who is not very popular with the students, is suspended and Timo is the big hero. But Sam has a completely different story about the fight...
S1 • E5
Teacher crush
Milou is in love with gym teacher Marcel Eerkens. She hates gym, but still goes to class with great pleasure. Until she catches Eerkens with a French teacher. She is in shock and can't believe her eyes. Her dream is shattered and she decides to take revenge on the gym teacher.
S1 • E6
Brechtje is a real bookworm and always gets high grades. She excels in mathematics. Brechtje is therefore not very popular with her classmates. But with the last few tests she is no longer getting such high grades. And with Nina the exact opposite is happening. Her average for mathematics shoots up, to the great surprise of teacher Grimbergen.
S1 • E7
Fire Alarm
Max loves football and that is at the expense of his school performance. He pays more attention to the ball than to his homework. Much to the frustration of his parents. When he does not get a passing grade on his next math test, he is not allowed to play football anymore. Max has already given up hope, but then Jochem comes to his rescue. But should Max be happy about that?
S1 • E8
Prior Knowledge
Jesse has it in for Maaike. He takes advantage of her every day. The bullying never stops and Maaike wants to go to another school. But then Fien confides in her. She has listened to a phone call from her mother, vice principal De Wilde, and tells Maaike that Jesse will probably be kicked out of school soon. Information that Fien should have kept to herself.
S1 • E9
In love with the wrong person
Marlies and Gaya are best friends. They do absolutely everything together. But there is a problem. Marlies is head over heels in love with Gaya's boyfriend. She doesn't want to keep this secret any longer and decides to tell Gaya. But her honesty is not appreciated. Especially when it turns out that Gaya's boyfriend is also in love with Marlies.
S1 • E10
Teachers Target
Rob Grimbergen is a math teacher. A strict man with little humor. He is not popular with the students. Especially Levi and Grimbergen do not get along. From day one, things have not been going well between the two. If someone draws a caricature of Grimbergen on the door, Grimbergen knows who did it. He accuses Levi and he does not accept that.
S1 • E11
Tirza is overweight and is bullied at school. Rosalie in particular has it in for her. She leaves no stone unturned to tease Tirza. Until she takes Tirza's phone and discovers a shocking secret.
S1 • E12
Breaking and Entering
Kai has few friends at school. He likes to play along with the tough guys, but doesn't really fit in. When Jesse and his friends challenge him to steal a test, he decides to prove himself once and for all. He breaks into the school, and to prove it, he films the burglary.
S1 • E13
It's exam week and Nienke is very nervous as usual. She has a hard time dealing with the stress. She is so nervous that she gets physical complaints, such as stomachaches and headaches. But this time, those complaints do not seem to be caused by stress. Nienke got her period for the first time... in class.
S1 • E14
Hakim and Remy are bored during music class. They are crazy about rap and that is never discussed. They propose to arrange a rapper for a guest lecture and the teacher agrees, jokingly. When Hakim and Remy arrange for Lil' Kleine to come to school, the teacher can no longer take back his words.
S1 • E15
Yvette is an outsider, and that is mainly because of her clothes. Her parents are not very well off and refuse to spend a lot of money on new clothes. Yvette is more than fed up with the bullying. She wants new clothes and she knows a solution. For a while that solution seems to work.
S1 • E16
Special Backpack
Lisa is a 'pupil with a backpack'. She receives extra guidance because she has a serious form of ADHD. But she doesn't have it easy at school. She has no friends and is always alone. Everyone thinks she's weird. Until an unknown talent emerges during the career day.
S1 • E17
Foster Family
Esra has to give a speech about her home situation in Dutch class, and that means she will have to reveal her big secret. A secret she is ashamed of. She has to choose: lie or tell the truth.
S1 • E18
Coming Out
Rick struggles with his sexual orientation. He doesn't know whether he likes boys or girls. He's also never been kissed and that makes him insecure. His friend Lucas wants to help him; he suggests practicing with him. But then they get caught. 🏳️‍🌈
S1 • E19
Dead Father
The students at school are shocked when teacher Wiggers tells them that Tirza's father has died after a long illness. Anouk suggests recording a video message for Tirza, to encourage her. Everyone wants to participate, except Bram.
S1 • E20
Tense String
Janitor Gerrit Veldt is not liked by the students. Eric especially hates him. He wants to teach Veldt a lesson. But his violent plan goes completely wrong. Not the janitor, but the gym teacher becomes the victim of his cruel plan and is badly injured.
S1 • E21
Music Lesson
Charlie is head over heels in love with Kevin, and she has come up with a very special way to make it clear to him. She wants to surprise Kevin and declare her love for him by singing a song especially for him during music class.
S1 • E22
Marieke never gets dressed after gym. She takes the annoying remarks of her classmates for granted. But after yet another commotion in the locker room, Emma stands up for Marieke. She thinks she knows why Marieke doesn't want to get dressed and decides to help her. But her help is not appreciated.
S1 • E23
Niek loves singing and dancing, but is a bit ashamed of it. He is afraid of being called gay. But when they are still looking for roles for the school musical, he decides to audition anyway. In order not to be bullied, he asks a good friend of his to be his girlfriend.
S1 • E24
Playing Football
Mirte is in love with Max, but she doesn't really know how to make this clear to him. When Max is looking for someone to play football with, she sees her chance. She is very good at football and Max notices that. But if max is also in love with her is the question.
S1 • E25
Schoolband formation
Leon lives for music. He wants nothing more than to make music in a band. But his school performance suffers because of his great hobby. And when he wants to start a school band with four classmates, his worried father puts a stop to that.
S1 • E26
Elvi is struggling with a great sense of guilt. Her boyfriend Joshua had a serious scooter accident and she blames herself for it. Elvi is completely out of it and can no longer function. She becomes depressed and is even a danger to herself.
S1 • E27
Sexual Education
Ariane lives a double life. She has strict Christian parents who impose many restrictions on her. For example, she is not allowed to attend sex education classes and she is not allowed to have a boyfriend. But Ariane is not honest with her parents. She secretly has a relationship with Timo. But that relationship comes under pressure when he brags on Facebook about having sex with Ariane.
S1 • E28
First schoolday
Jochem and Milo are two annoying and childish first-year students. They are also called the toddlers of school. And during a break they pull another prank. They run away with a wheelchair. But this time they get hit with some well deserved karma.
S1 • E29
Robyn is new at school. She has moved and doesn't know anyone yet. Almost no one, because she knows Fleur, who she met by chance on vacation. The two have become friends. But it soon becomes clear that Robyn has become friends with the nerd of the class.
S1 • E30
The Twins
Merel and Roos are identical twins. They look exactly alike. But there is one big difference. Merel is seriously ill and Roos is not. Merel is getting chemotherapy and her hair is starting to fall out. She wants to keep her illness a secret at school, because she doesn't want to be seen as pathetic. But Roos makes a slip of the tongue, much to Merel's anger.
S1 • E31
Hinde has recently started dating Ludo from the second year. A handsome boy with rich parents. Many girls are jealous of Hinde. Since she started dating, she only needs time for Ludo, which means she neglects her friends and they tell her this. But do they miss Hinde or are they secretly in love with Ludo?
S1 • E32
Kissing Lesson
Niek kissed Lisa for the first time. But a day later, the story goes around that he can't do it at all. He is ashamed. His friend Elson has the solution. A girl from the second grade gives kissing lessons for five euros. But whether he will impress Lisa with that is still the question.
S1 • E33
Leon and a few friends have formed the school band 'The Peepers'. But the band is in danger of falling apart due to a fight. Job, who is new at school, has a father with a recording studio, where they can record a demo. But then Job wants to sing and that's too much for Leon, since its 'his' band.
S1 • E34
Study schedule
Eva is dating Luka. But Eva pays more attention to Luka than to school. She is in danger of repeating a year if she doesn't try harder. Luka comes to the rescue by drawing up study schedules for Eva. But Luka is very strict and Eva is a bit scared of her boyfriend.
S1 • E35
Sira is a strange girl. She says she can read auras. A gift that most students are very skeptical about, and because of this many jokes are made about her. When Charlotte challenges her to contact her deceased mother, Sira accepts the offer after some hesitation. However, she soon finds out about the consequences of her actions.
S1 • E36
Stolen Money
Teacher Wiggers has money stolen from her wallet during the break. A few students immediately blame Amira. She lives with her parents in an asylum seekers' center and that makes her suspicious, according to Gaby.
S1 • E37
Joost is looking forward to his first school trip to London. But when he hears that Anouk is not allowed to go because of being late several times, he doesn't want to go either. Especially when he hears that the beautiful Ravi is also staying behind. Joost is in love with Anouk and doesn't leave her alone with Ravi.
S1 • E38
Fake Emails
Nikky and Fay have failed maths. To make up for it, they create an email address in the name of teacher Grimbergen. From this address, they email the new adjusted grades of their test. Their plan seems to work until they get an answer they never expected.
S1 • E39
The Breakup
Stijn breaks up with Nienke. He says he doesn't have time for a relationship. He has other priorities. Nienke's world collapses and she seeks support from her friends. They are convinced that Stijn has another girlfriend and decide to take revenge...
S1 • E40
Brechtje is ashamed of her weight and wants to lose weight. On the internet she quickly comes across an extreme pro-ana site and there she encounters a classmate in the forum. At least that's what she thinks. She suspects that Amy has anorexia and wants to confront her about it. But how?
S1 • E41
Dana wants to break up with her older boyfriend Jordy. But he doesn't want that at all and blackmails her with a nude photo, which he puts on the internet if she actually breaks up with him. Dana doesn't know anything about a nude photo, but then her brother Kelvin confesses that he secretly took a photo of her while showering and sold it to Jordy.
S1 • E42
School Sleepover
Daan secretly wants to spend a night at school with a few friends. When he asks Kim if she wants to stay too, she doesn't say no, because Kim is in love with Daan. But the janitor plans to sabotage it, or does he?
S1 • E43
Sneaky pictures
Nadia finds teacher Steur's phone at school. She can't control her curiosity and starts looking for text messages and photos. She comes across a photo and a text about Anouk that really scares her.
S1 • E44
Nathalie invites almost everyone from her class to her birthday party. Only a boy who is new and the Moroccan Dahbia are not welcome. And that goes too far for Anouk. She accuses Nathalie of discrimination and calls on everyone not to go to the party.
S1 • E45
There has been a lot of poker playing at school lately. Secretly and in empty classrooms, because the school board doesn't allow it. And the amounts involved are getting bigger and bigger. Winning and losing is becoming more common. And that causes big problems at school. Tom owes Job a lot of money and Job wants his money.
S1 • E46
End of year party
The year is over and it is concluded with a big end party. Boris tries to make a good impression with the popular boys by smuggling a few bottles of booze into the party. But his plan backfires when he can't keep his promise.